Advertising & Affiliate Disclosure

No More Ads!

All banner and text ads delivered by Google Ads and VigLink have been removed. There are no third-party ads on at this time.

Affiliate Links

Instead of ads, we now hand-select companies that offer quality products and services that are relevant to event planners and organizers. We will link to their products and/or services within articles in order to generate commission if you decide to purchase any of the products and/or services. These affiliate links will not affect your purchasing price.
When indicated, these affiliate links may include discounts and free trials to help you save money when you decide to purchase these products and/or services.

We have used, still use, or tested the majority of the recommended vendors. This will be clearly stated in the recommendation.

All affiliate links within articles are clearly marked with [aff].

Reviews & Gifts

We do not accept gifts. All material and business connections will be disclosed. If our writers are given products/services to review, they will keep them long enough to conduct their research and then return said item(s). Industry writers will not promote their own business/services/products/etc. in their articles, however, if a business owned by or associated with one of our contributing writers advertises on Eventstant we will indicate such to avoid impropriety. All writers will avoid conflicts of interest to ensure journalistic integrity. If a conflict or apparent conflict arises in the course of writing an article or presents itself after the fact, said situation will be revealed to avoid possible impropriety or the appearance of collusion.

Articles commissioned by companies will be identified as sponsored, including the name of the commissioning company.

Legal Disclosure

EVENTSTANT is an unregistered mark of ProjectArmy, LLC – all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

1. Blog Posts by Others. We do not independently verify, nor do we seek independent verification of comments and statements that may be posted by others in blog posts on this site regarding our website, its products or services. For this reason, if others post “success story” or “best-case” scenario testimonials (as distinguished from subjective opinions), you should assume that their results are NOT typical.

2. Material Connections with Advertisers. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that we disclose any material connection we may have with a product manufacturer or service provider (advertiser) (16 CFR, Part 255 – Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising). Material connections involve the payment of compensation by advertisers to us or advertisers providing free promotional materials or benefits to us.

2.1 Commissions and Fees. Some or all of the advertisers for which we provide advertisements, testimonials or comments on this site may pay us in the form of advertising fees, affiliate commissions, referral fees, or other fees. Although you might assume that our endorsements are biased by reason of compensation, we strive to give our honest opinions and evaluations.

All material connections, endorsements, and sponsorships will be clearly marked on and all promotional channels.

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